WebWise's Team

Meet the dedicated individuals behind WebWise, passionate about revolutionizing web development education. With a shared commitment to accessibility and innovation, our team strives to empower learners worldwide.


Cedric Angulo

Full-stack Curriculum Developer (Founder)

Hey there! I'm the one bringing WebWise's educational content to life. From designing engaging lessons to making sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes, I'm all about creating awesome learning experiences for you. Let's learn together and make the web a smarter place!


Bernard Domingo

Marketing Specialist

Greetings! I'm the marketing aficionado at WebWise. My role is to get the word out about our platform through strategic campaigns and engaging content. Let's make some noise and spread the word about WebWise's awesomeness!


Rainiel Sevilla

Content Writer

I'm the content craftsman behind WebWise's educational materials. From blog post to lesson plans, I ensure our content is informative, engaging, and impactful. Let's dive into the world of learning together!

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